Clinical Health Outcomes Reporting & Utilization Service is a web-based reporting solution that transforms your EHR data into meaningful information and fits seamlessly into your current practice workflow.
Disease Management, Population Reporting and Quality Metrics
CHORUS™ is a sophisticated healthcare analytics solution designed specifically to help clinicians treating patients with HIV and HCV. Because we utilize the data already entered into your EHR, there’s no additional data entry and no software to purchase.
When your practice’s EHR data enters the CHORUS data production engine, our algorithms apply cleansing, classification and transformation rules that have been developed for over a decade by HIV experts. We’re able to take an exhaustive view of each discrete data element in the medical chart, interpret it and then transform it into the homogeneous data elements needed for reporting and analytics. From each practice’s CHORUS database, Epividian builds a large, de-identified longitudinal research database called OPERA. This OPERA database is used for research purposes (supporting both interventional and non-interventional studies) and to allow your clinic to anonymously benchmark against clinics from around the country to assess comparative metrics.
A number of key features and benefits to clinicians stem from this approach to data management our commitment to research.
Check out: ONC Certification and Costs
(the ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS))
“CHORUS is 10 times, no, 100 times better than anything we have used.”
– Dr. Felix Carpio, Chief Informatics Officer & Physician at AltaMed
Quality Metrics Designed to Improve Patient Care
CHORUS™ compares each patient’s care to HHS treatment guidelines and other quality measures. You can easily identify gaps in care (or documentation) for each patient and take appropriate action. We summarize this data for all of a clinician’s patients, making it easy to see a combined view of adherence to guidelines for all clinicians, viewed individually, by clinic, or compared to the aggregate nationwide OPERA database.
With CHORUS, administrators and practice leaders can measure quality continuously with the metrics that are both relevant and actionable.
Clinical Health Outcomes Reporting and Utilization Services (CHORUS) is the essential solution for healthcare professionals looking to maximize the performance of their new or existing Electronic Health Record system.
By utilizing your existing EHR, the CHORUS solution can:
- Maximize performance-based reimbursements for Accountable Care Organization (ACO) reimbursement
- Maximize reimbursements for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) pay-per-performance
- Deliver sophisticated & high quality disease management reporting that creates better outcomes
- Verify HIPAA compliance and fair use of data
- Extend utilization of your EHR to include both “meaningful use” and beyond, maximizing & extending the value of your EHR beyond your base capabilities while reducing your staffing burden. (Plus, we can provide meaningful use with the supporting details necessary to get government reimbursement.)
- Extend research capabilities and enrollment in clinical trials.
- Improve data quality and patient management utilizing customized reporting database
- Deliver longitudinal health care research that EHRs do not provide on their own
The Epividian technology platform and observational database program has been utilized by many physicians, epidemiologists and researchers to produce dozens of papers, abstracts and presentations.
“Many vendors have presented their solution to us and CHORUS is far better than anything we have seen. The others aren’t even close.”
– Dr. Mike Wohlfeiler, MD, JD; CMO of AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Ryan White Data Service (RWDS) Reporting
Epividian® RWDS is a complete data solution for clinics that use CAREWare™ to manage their Ryan White grants.
Epividian RWDS eliminates the manual data entry of patient medical data into CAREWare.
By using the CHORUS™ healthcare analytics and reporting database, RWDS will create data files that can be easily imported into CAREWare* in a single step. Clinic staff can continue to use CAREWare to generate the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Services Report (RSR) and other grant administration tasks.
Key Benefits:
- Saves hundreds of hours of work each year by clinicians and staff who enter patient clinical data into CAREWare manually.
- Works with your existing EHR and set up is easy.
- Improves accuracy of RSR data and consistency with EHR system data.
- Affordable service-based pricing per patient that can be reimbursable in your Ryan White grant.
Epividian works with IT staff to install the CHORUS data extraction tool that operates on your existing computing equipment. A partial copy of your EHR data is transferred nightly to Epividian to create a CHORUS database dedicated solely for your clinic.
RWDS retrieves data from CHORUS into files formatted for CAREWare import. When you choose Epividian RWDS, your CAREWare database contains all of the necessary clinical data for your Ryan White patients so that RSR and other grant administration and reporting can be completed as usual without having to re-enter patient medical data.
*CAREWare is a registered trademark of Jeff Murray’s Programming Shop, Inc.
Data included in reports:
- Patient (“Client”) data records including the Ryan White client ID (URN, eURN, eCUI)
- Socio-demographics, living situation, income, insurance, Ryan White eligibility data
- Visit dates
- Diagnoses, problems, procedures
- Lab results
- Referrals
- Vitals
- Pregnancy data
- Immunizations
- Dates of HIV counseling and testing
Contact Epividian about your Ryan White Data Service Reporting needs >

CHORUS Mobile App
The CHORUS™ Mobile App puts important patient details at your fingertips.
Having the CHORUS app on your phone is like having a medical assistant by your side who knows how to summarize patient health data in your EHR. Because CHORUS is focused on HIV treatment, you’ll see all of the most relevant clinical data first.
Scheduling and Appointments
CHORUS opens to a view of the patients who are scheduled for the current date and time. Caregivers can scroll down to see future appointments today or use the calendar controls to view patients by past or future appointments.
Key HIV Measures
A short summary of key HIV measures is available, plus a link to see a complete history. Red icons mark the number of care items missing for this patient using a variety of core quality measures in HIV care (Internal KPIs, HHS, Ryan White, MIPS, HEDIS, etc.) Caregivers also have an option of switching to the long view format of the HIV Flowsheet, a grid view of labs, vitals and meds.
Each patient’s HIV Flowsheet provides quick access to key metrics in the evaluation of an HIV patient’s past medical history:
- VACS risk score, a composite of labs, diagnoses and ethno-demographic variables that estimates a 5-year all cause mortality risk and the change since the prior lab collection.
- Quality management gaps that show the number of key quality measures that are not met for this patient using a variety of core quality systems (Internal KPIs, HHS HIV Guidelines, MIPS, Ryan White, and HEDIS).
- HIV labs most recently collected and change in values since prior collection date
- Vitals and recent history
- Current and prior ART regimens
Rx buttons allow the user to jump to the patient’s current and historical ART meds and non-ART meds. Red values indicate an abnormal lab values throughout the app.
HIV Quality Measures
In the HIV Quality Measures section, dozens of HIV quality measures are aggregated in one spot, highlighting areas of excellence and areas for improvement.
Each measure is benchmarked to the OPERA average, allowing an anonymous comparison of outcomes measures throughout the U.S. Expanding a measure group shows specific measure and performance.
Each quality measure is calculated for every patient and in this view shown, for all patients in the care of the provider. The numbers and percentages of patients meeting (blue) and not meeting (red) each measure is shown in addition to the overall OPERA average.
Additionally a performance assessment is provided of the provider’s score among the OPERA population: either bottom 50%, top 50%, or the top 10% for the highest performers. A patient listing of those not meeting the performance criteria in that measure is shown in red.